LAVTA on freeway with other traffic


1. Call to Order 3:30

A. Approval of Agenda and Modifications if necessary

2. Citizens’ Forum: An opportunity for members of the audience to comment on a subject not listed on the agenda (under state law, no action may be taken at this meeting) 3:35

3. Minutes of April 6, 2016 Meeting of the Committee (please review prior to meeting)
Approval 3:40

4. WAAC Recruitment for FY 2017
Discussion 3:45

5. Comprehensive Dial-A-Ride Riders Guide
Discussion 3:55

6. COA Update
Information 4:10

7. 2nd Quarter Dial-A-Ride Operational Analysis
Information 4:20

8. PAPCO Report
Information 4:30

9. Dial-A-Ride Operational Issues – Suggestions for Changes
Discussion 4:40

10. Fixed Route Operational Issues – Suggestions for Changes
Discussion 4:50

11. Adjournment 5:00

Next meeting Wednesday, July 6, 2016, 3:30pm

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA Administrative Services Department /s/ Jennifer Suda 5/5/16

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore/Amador Valley Transit Authority
1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email: [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

1. Call to Order 3:30

A. Approval of Agenda and Modifications if necessary

2. Citizens’ Forum: An opportunity for members of the audience to comment on a subject not listed on the agenda (under state law, no action may be taken at this meeting) 3:35

3. Minutes of January 6, 2016 and March 8, 2016 Meetings of the Committee (please review prior to meeting)
Approval 3:40

4. Dial-A-Ride Customer Satisfaction Survey of 2015 Verbal Comments Analysis
Information 3:45

5. Subscription/Calendar Trip Gap
Information 3:55

6. WAAC Recruitment for FY 2017
Information 4:05

7. LAVTA’s Annual Program Submittal for ACTC Measure B and BB Funding
Information 4:15

8. PAPCO Report
Information 4:25

9. Chair’s discussion with Committee
Discussion 4:35

10. Dial-A-Ride Operational Issues – Suggestions for Changes
Discussion 4:40

11. Fixed Route Operational Issues – Suggestions for Changes
Discussion 4:50

12. Adjournment 5:00

Next meeting Wednesday, May 4, 2016, 3:30pm

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA Administrative Services Department /s/ Jennifer Suda 3/31/16

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore/Amador Valley Transit Authority
1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email: [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

*Please Note Teleconference Location:
San Joaquin County Administration Building
44 N. San Joaquin Street, Room 637
Stockton, CA 95202

1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call of Members

3. Public Comment

• Members of the audience may address the Advisory Group on any matter within the general subject matter jurisdiction of the Altamont Regional Rail Working Group.

• Speaker cards are available at the entrance to the meeting room and should be submitted to the Executive Director of the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority.

• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.

4. Minutes

Recommendation: Approve minutes

5. Project Options/DMU Concept and Legislation

Recommendation: Approve legislative language

6. Adjournment. The next meeting date is scheduled for April 12, 2017

Please refrain from wearing scented products (perfume, cologne, after-shave, etc.) to these meetings, as there may be people in attendance susceptible to environmental illnesses.

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA, Administrative Assistant /s/ Jennifer Suda 3/3/2017

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email : [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call of Members

3. Public Comment

• Members of the audience may address the Advisory Group on any matter within the general subject matter jurisdiction of the Altamont Regional Rail Working Group.

• Speaker cards are available at the entrance to the meeting room and should be submitted to the Executive Director of the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority.

• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.

4. Minutes

5. Standing Updates: a. ACE Forward

b. BART to Isabel EIR Update

6. Introduction of Executive Frank Wilson and Strategic Planning

7. Set Working Group Meeting Schedule for 2017

8. Adjournment. The next meeting date is scheduled for February 8, 2017

Please refrain from wearing scented products (perfume, cologne, after-shave, etc.) to these meetings, as there may be people in attendance susceptible to environmental illnesses.

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA, Administrative Assistant /s/ Jennifer Suda 1/6/2017

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email : [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic
  1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Roll Call of Members
  1. Public Comment
  • Members of the audience may address the Advisory Group on any matter within the general subject matter jurisdiction of the Altamont Regional Rail Working Group.
  • Speaker cards are available at the entrance to the meeting room and should be submitted to the Executive Director of the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority.
  • Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.
  1. Minutes
  1. Executive Director’s Report
    1. Update on Member Agencies approving a resolution in support of a BART/ACE connection in the Tri-Valley
    2. Update on Recruitment for Executive
  1. Review of BART and State Election Returns
  1. Standing Updates:
    1. ACE Forward
  1. Presentation on BART to Isabel
  1. Next steps
  2. Adjournment. The next meeting date is scheduled for January 11, 2017


Please refrain from wearing scented products (perfume, cologne, after-shave, etc.) to these meetings, as there may be people in attendance susceptible to environmental illnesses.

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA, Administrative Assistant /s/Jennifer Suda 11/4/2016

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email : [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

1. Call to Order

2. Public Comment
• Members of the audience may address the Advisory Group on any matter within the general subject matter jurisdiction of the Tri-Valley Regional Rail Advisory Group.
• Speaker cards are available at the entrance to the meeting room and should be submitted to the Executive Director of the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority.
• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.

3. Minutes

4. Standing Updates:

a. BART to Isabel EIR Update

b. Livermore Neighborhood Specific Plan

5. ACE Forward Presentation

6. VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Project Presentation

7. Update on AB 2762 (Baker)

8. Working Group Action Items

a. Addition of the Innovation Tri-Valley Leadership Group, East Bay Leadership Council, and San Joaquin Partnership as members of the Working Group

9. New Executive Position for Altamont Regional Rail Working Group

10. Adjournment

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA, Administrative Assistant /s/ Jennifer Suda 7/8/16

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email : [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

1. Call to Order

2. Public Comment

• Members of the audience may address the Advisory Group on any matter within the general subject matter jurisdiction of the Tri-Valley Regional Rail Advisory Group.

• Speaker cards are available at the entrance to the meeting room and should be submitted to the Executive Director of the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority.

• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.

3. Minutes

4. Executive Director’s Report

5. Standing Updates: a. ACE Forward

b. BART to Isabel EIR Update

6. Review of Inaugural Meeting Results

7. Brief Snapshot: Regional Projects of Interest

a. BayFair Connection

b. I-580 Goods Movement Enhancements

c. High Speed Rail

d. LAVTA System Improvements

8. Case Study: Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority

9. Barriers and Obstacles for BART to ACE a. Environmental Issues

b. Technical Issues

c. Financial Issues

d. Political Issues

10. AB 2762 (Baker)

11. Working Group Action Items

a. Add to the Working Group the East Bay Leadership Council, San Joaquin Partnership and Innovation Tri-Valley Leadership Group

b. Direct staff to work with BART on the concept of a JPA for the BART to ACE project

12. Next Step(s): Altamont Regional Rail Working Group Work Program and Timeline

13. Adjournment

Please refrain from wearing scented products (perfume, cologne, after-shave, etc.) to these meetings, as there may be people in attendance susceptible to environmental illnesses.

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA, Administrative Assistant /s/ Jennifer Suda 2/5/16

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email : [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

1. Call to Order 3:00

A. Approval of Agenda and Modifications if necessary

2. Citizens’ Forum: An opportunity for members of the audience to comment on a subject not listed on the agenda (under state law, no action may be taken at this meeting) 3:05

3. Minutes of January 6, 2016 Meeting of the Committee (please review prior to meeting)
Approval 3:10

4. Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA) Update
Information 3:15

5. Dial-A-Ride Customer Satisfaction Survey of 2015 Verbal Comments Analysis
Information 4:15

6. Subscription/Calendar Trip Gap
Information 4:25

7. WAAC Recruitment for FY 2017
Information 4:30

8. PAPCO Report
Information 4:35

9. Chair’s discussion with Committee
Discussion 4:40

10. Dial-A-Ride Operational Issues –Suggestions for Changes
Discussion 4:45

11. Fixed Route Operational Issues –Suggestions for Changes
Discussion 4:55

12. Adjournment 5:00

Next meeting Wednesday, May 4, 2016, 3:30pm

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA Administrative Services Department /s/ Jennifer Suda 3/3/16

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore/Amador Valley Transit Authority
1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email: [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

1. Welcome, Roll Call of Members and Introductions

a. Purpose

b. Agenda Overview

2. Public Comment

• Members of the audience may address the Advisory Group on any matter within the general subject matter jurisdiction of the Tri-Valley Regional Rail Advisory Group.

• Speaker cards are available at the entrance to the meeting room and should be submitted to the Executive Director of the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority.

• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.

3. Background and History of Regional Rail Planning Efforts to Present Day (Large file, so may take time to load.)

4. Regional Rail Advisory Group Vision and Goals

5. Advisory Group Organizational Framework

a. Chair

b. Vice Chair

c. Advisory Group Name

6. Summary and Next Steps

7. Adjournment

Please refrain from wearing scented products (perfume, cologne, after-shave, etc.) to these meetings, as there may be people in attendance susceptible to environmental illnesses.

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA, Administrative Assistant /s/ Jennifer Suda 2/5/16

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email : [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

Materials will be posted 72 hours prior to meeting.