LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call of Members

3. Public Comment

• Members of the audience may address the Advisory Group on any matter within the general

subject matter jurisdiction of the Altamont Regional Rail Working Group.

• Speaker cards are available at the entrance to the meeting room and should be submitted to

the Executive Director of the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority.

• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.

4. Minutes – ACTION

5. Legislative Update on AB 758 – ACTION

6. Consideration of Comments on ACE Forward EIR – ACTION

7. Project and Program Development – Funding – INFORMATION

8. Adjournment. The next meeting date is scheduled for September 20, 2017 in

Livermore, CA.

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA, Administrative Assistant /s/ Jennifer Suda 7/7/17

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email : [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call of Members

3. Public Comment

• Members of the audience may address the Advisory Group on any matter within the general subject matter jurisdiction of the Altamont Regional Rail Working Group.

• Speaker cards are available at the entrance to the meeting room and should be submitted to the Executive Director of the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority.

• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.

4. Minutes

Recommendation: Approve minutes

5. Legislative Update

Recommendation: Receive report and provide guidance

6. BART EIR Update

Recommendation: Receive report and provide guidance

7. ACE Forward EIR Presentation

Recommendation: Receive report and provide guidance

8. Project and Program Development

Recommendation: Receive report and provide guidance

9. Fiscal Year 2018 Meeting Schedule

Recommendation: Approve FY2017/2018 Meeting Schedule

10. Adjournment. The next meeting date is scheduled for July 12, 2017

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

Materials will be posted 72 hours prior to meeting.

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

Please Note Teleconference Location:
Cabral Station
949 E Channel Street
Stockton, CA 95202

1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call of Members

3. Public Comment

• Members of the audience may address the Advisory Group on any matter within the general subject matter jurisdiction of the Altamont Regional Rail Working Group.

• Speaker cards are available at the entrance to the meeting room and should be submitted to the Executive Director of the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority.

• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.

4. Minutes

Recommendation: Approve minutes

5. Language for AB 758 (Eggman)

Recommendation: Approve legislative language and direct Executive Frank Wilson to craft and submit a letter of support on behalf of the Working Group signed by Chair Scott Haggerty

6. Renaming of Altamont Regional Rail Working Group

Recommendation: Approve a new name for the organization.

7. Adjournment. The next meeting date is scheduled for May 10, 2017 (Tracy)

Please refrain from wearing scented products (perfume, cologne, after-shave, etc.) to these meetings, as there may be people in attendance susceptible to environmental illnesses.

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA, Administrative Assistant /s/ Jennifer Suda 4/7/2017

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email : [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

Materials will be posted 72 hours prior to meeting.

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic


1. Call to Order 3:30

A. Approval of Agenda and Modifications if necessary

2. Citizens’ Forum: An opportunity for members of the audience to comment on a subject not listed on the agenda (under state law, no action may be taken at this meeting) 3:35

3. Minutes of November 2, 2016 Meeting of the Committee (please review prior to meeting)
Action 3:40

4. Committee Composition
Discussion  3:45

5. Meeting Location Discussion
Discussion 3:50

6. FY 2017 1st Quarter Report – Operations
Information 4:00

7. Paratransit Assessment Study
Information 4:05

8. PAPCO Report
Information 4:10

9. Fixed Route Operational Issues – Suggestions for Changes
Information 4:15

10. Dial-A-Ride Operational Issues – Suggestions for Changes
Information 4:25

11. ADA Paratransit Eligibility Assessments
Information 4:35

12. Presentation on City of Livermore’s Active Transportation Plan
Information 4:50

13. Adjournment
Discussion 5:00

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA, Administrative Assistant /s/ Jennifer Suda 12/22/16

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email : [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call of Members

3. Meeting Open to Public
• Members of the audience may address the Board of Directors on any matter within the general subject matter jurisdiction of the LAVTA Board of Directors.

• Unless members of the audience submit speaker forms before the start of the meeting requesting to address the board on specific items on the agenda, all comments must be made during this item of business. Speaker cards are available at the entrance to the meeting room and should be submitted to the Board secretary.

• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.

• Items are placed on the Agenda by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Executive Director, or by any three members of the Board of Directors. Agendas are published 72 hours prior to the meeting.

• No action may be taken on matters raised that are not on the Agenda.

• For the sake of brevity, all questions from the public, Board and Staff will be directed through the Chair.

4. May Wheels Accessible Advisory Committee Minutes Report

5. Consent Agenda

Recommend approval of all items on Consent Agenda as follows:

A. Minutes of the May 1, 2017 Board of Directors meeting.

B. Treasurer’s Report for the month of April 2017

Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the April 2017 Treasurer’s Report.

C. WAAC Appointments for FY17

Recommendation: Staff has compiled the Board’s appointments into Resolution 24-2017 for adoption at the June 5, 2017 Board meeting.

D. One Year Extension to Legal Services Agreement with Hanson Bridgett LLP

Recommendation: The Finance and Administration Committee recommends the Board exercise an option year and extend the legal services agreement from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018.

6. Wheels Rebranding

Recommendation: Review the proposed new logo and vehicle design concepts for Wheels bus service and adopt these designs.

7. LAVTA’s Operating & Capital Budget for FY 2018

Recommendation: Review and approve the final Operating and Capital Budget for FY 2018.

8. One Year Extension to the Fixed Route Operations and Maintenance Contract to MV Transportation.

Recommendation: Staff recommends Board of Directors exercise the fourth option year and extend the fixed route operations and maintenance agreement from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018.

9. One Year Extension to Paratransit Operation and Maintenance Contract to Medical Transportation Management, Inc.

Recommendation: Staff recommends the Board exercise the first option year and extend the paratransit operations and maintenance agreement from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018.

10. Bus Exterior Advertising Contract

Recommendation: Staff recommends that a contract be executed with Lamar Transit Advertising for the sale and installation of exterior bus advertising. The contract is for three years beginning July 1, 2017. Lamar’s proposal would provide annual revenue to LAVTA of 50 percent of net sales or a minimum annual guarantee of $95,000, whichever is higher.

11. Management Action Plan

12. Election of LAVTA Chair and Vice Chair

Recommendation: Nominate and elect a LAVTA Board Chair and Vice Chair for FY18 in accordance with the agency’s bylaws.

13. Matters Initiated by the Board of Directors

• Items may be placed on the agenda at the request of three members of the Board.

14. Next Meeting Date is Scheduled for: July 10, 2017

15. Adjournment

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA, Administrative Assistant /s/ Jennifer Suda 6/1/17

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email : [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call of Members

3. Meeting Open to Public
• Members of the audience may address the Board of Directors on any matter within the general subject matter jurisdiction of the LAVTA Board of Directors.

• Unless members of the audience submit speaker forms before the start of the meeting requesting to address the board on specific items on the agenda, all comments must be made during this item of business. Speaker cards are available at the entrance to the meeting room and should be submitted to the Board secretary.

• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.

• Items are placed on the Agenda by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Executive Director, or by any three members of the Board of Directors. Agendas are published 72 hours prior to the meeting.

• No action may be taken on matters raised that are not on the Agenda.

• For the sake of brevity, all questions from the public, Board and Staff will be directed through the Chair.

4. March Wheels Accessible Advisory Committee Minutes Report

5. Consent Agenda

Recommend approval of all items on Consent Agenda as follows:

A. Minutes of the April 3, 2017 Board of Directors meeting.

B. Treasurer’s Report for the month of March 2017

Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the March 2017 Treasurer’s Report.

C. Resolution in Support of Application for FY 16-17 funding through the State Low Carbon Transit Operations Program (LCTOP)

Recommendation: Staff recommends the Board of Directors approve Resolution 21-2017 in support of the allocation request submitted to Caltrans for the Low Carbon Transit Operations Program (LCTOP). Once approved, Resolution 21-2017 will supersede Resolution 15-2017.

D. Fiscal Year 2016-17 Proposition 1B California Transit Security Grant Program (CTSGP) Resolution

Recommendation: Staff recommends the Board of Directors approve the attached Resolution 22-2017.

E. Resolution Authorizing Investment of Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) Monies in the State of California Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) and changing the authorized officers

Recommendation: Forward a recommendation to the Board of Directors to adopt the attached Resolution 20-2017 reauthorizing investment of LAVTA monies in LAIF, and delete Beverly Adamo, Director of Administrative Services and replace with Tamara Edwards, Director of Finance as an authorized officer.

6. Potential Fall 2017 Schedule and Service Modifications

Recommendation: Staff asks that the Board of Directors approve the recommended schedule- and service modifications for Fall 2017, as outlined above.

7. Executive Director’s Report

8. Matters Initiated by the Board of Directors

• Items may be placed on the agenda at the request of three members of the Board.

9. Next Meeting Date is Scheduled for: June 5, 2017

10. Adjournment

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA, Administrative Assistant /s/ Jennifer Suda 4/27/17

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email : [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call of Members

3. Meeting Open to Public
• Members of the audience may address the Board of Directors on any matter within the general subject matter jurisdiction of the LAVTA Board of Directors.

• Unless members of the audience submit speaker forms before the start of the meeting requesting to address the board on specific items on the agenda, all comments must be made during this item of business. Speaker cards are available at the entrance to the meeting room and should be submitted to the Board secretary.

• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.

• Items are placed on the Agenda by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Executive Director, or by any three members of the Board of Directors. Agendas are published 72 hours prior to the meeting.

• No action may be taken on matters raised that are not on the Agenda.

• For the sake of brevity, all questions from the public, Board and Staff will be directed through the Chair.

4. Consent Agenda

Recommend approval of all items on Consent Agenda as follows:

A. Minutes of the March 6, 2017 Board of Directors meeting.

B. Treasurer’s Report for the month of February 2017

Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the February 2017 Treasurer’s Report.

C. Approval of Resolutions Authorizing Staff to Apply for TDA, STA, and RM2 funds for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.

Recommendation: The Finance and Administration Committee recommends the Board approve the attached resolutions authorizing the filing of a claim with MTC for Allocation of TDA Article 4.0, 4.5, STA, and RM2 Funds Funds for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.

5. Potential Fall 2017 Schedule and Service Modifications

Recommendation: The Projects and Services Committee recommends the Board of Directors publish these potential changes for public review and comment.

6. Legislative Update

Recommendation: Staff recommends the Board of Directors approve five legislative support positions to advance the goals and principles of LAVTA’s adopted 2017 Legislative Program.

7. Executive Director’s Report

8. Matters Initiated by the Board of Directors

• Items may be placed on the agenda at the request of three members of the Board.

9. Next Meeting Date is Scheduled for: May 1, 2017

10. Adjournment

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA, Administrative Assistant /s/ Jennifer Suda 3/29/17

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email : [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call of Members

3. Meeting Open to Public
• Members of the audience may address the Board of Directors on any matter within the general subject matter jurisdiction of the LAVTA Board of Directors.

• Unless members of the audience submit speaker forms before the start of the meeting requesting to address the board on specific items on the agenda, all comments must be made during this item of business. Speaker cards are available at the entrance to the meeting room and should be submitted to the Board secretary.

• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.

• Items are placed on the Agenda by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Executive Director, or by any three members of the Board of Directors. Agendas are published 72 hours prior to the meeting.

• No action may be taken on matters raised that are not on the Agenda.

• For the sake of brevity, all questions from the public, Board and Staff will be directed through the Chair.

4. Consent Agenda

Recommend approval of all items on Consent Agenda as follows:

A. Minutes of the February 6, 2017 Board of Directors meeting.

B. Treasurer’s Report for the month of January 2017

Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the January 2017 Treasurer’s Report.

C. Contract Award for LAVTA Financial Auditing Services

Recommendation: Finance and Administration Committee recommend that the Board of Directors enter into an agreement with Maze and Associates for the provision of financial auditing services including the comprehensive annual financial audit, for a three-year period in the amount of $87,455 plus a 10% contingency of $8,745, and authorize the Executive Director to execute the agreement in a form approved by LAVTA’s legal counsel.

D. Contract Award for LAVTA Rutan Parking Area Resurfacing

Recommendation: The Finance and Administration Committee recommends the Board: (1) award a contract to Silicon Valley Paving, Inc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the LAVTA Rutan Parking Area Resurfacing #2016-17, for a total contract award of $110,218.00; (2) authorize the Executive Director to sign the contract and issue an NTP to Silicon Valley Paving; and (3) approve a 10% project contingency of $11,021.80 to be used at the discretion of the Executive Director.

E. Resolutions in Support of Application for FY 16-17 funding through the State Low Carbon Transit Operations Program (LCTOP)

Recommendation: The Finance and Administration Committee recommends Board approval of Resolution 14-2017 and Resolution 15-2017 in support of an allocation request to Caltrans for the Low Carbon Transit Operations Program (LCTOP). The Board resolutions attached will enable staff to apply for LCTOP funding to continue the Las Positas College Easy Pass Program.

5. Executive Director’s Report

6. Mid-Year Budget Update

Recommendation: None – Information Only

7. LAVTA Dublin Blvd. Field Elements Construction Project

Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Board: (1) award a contract to St. Francis Electric, LLC, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the LAVTA Dublin Blvd. Field Elements Construction Project #2017-02, for a total contract award of $399,792.00; (2) authorize the Executive Director to sign the contract and issue an NTP to St. Francis Electric, LLC; and (3) approve a 10% project contingency of $39,979.20 to be used at the discretion of the Executive Director.

8. Contract Award for LAVTA Microwave Based Traffic Sensors at Five Signalized Intersections

Recommendation: Approve Resolution 16-2017 and award the contract to Western Pacific Signal, LLC to provide Microwave Based Traffic Sensors at Five Signalized Intersections.

9. Adjourn to CLOSED SESSION

10. Closed Session pursuant to Cal. Government Code Section 54956.9(d):

11. Reconvene to OPEN SESSION

12. Matters Initiated by the Board of Directors

• Items may be placed on the agenda at the request of three members of the Board.

13. Next Meeting Date is Scheduled for: April 3, 2017

14. Adjournment

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA, Administrative Assistant /s/ Jennifer Suda 3/1/17

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email : [email protected]