LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call of Members

3. Meeting Open to Public
• Members of the audience may address the Committee on any matter within the general subject matter jurisdiction of the LAVTA Board of Directors.

• Members of the audience may address the Committee on items on the Agenda at the time the Chair calls for the particular Agenda item.

• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.

• Agendas are published 72 hours prior to the meeting.

• No action may be taken on matters raised that are not on the Agenda.

4. Minutes of the March 25, 2019 Meeting of the P&S Committee.

Recommendation: Approval

5. Executive Director’s Report

Recommendation: None – Information Only

6. 2019 Title VI Program

Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Projects & Services Committee forward a recommendation to the Board of Directors to approve the attached Title VI Program for submittal to the FTA

7. Articulated Bus Feasibility Analysis

Recommendation: None – Information Only

8. Shared Autonomous Vehicle Project Management and Operations Contract Award

Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Projects & Services Committee forward a recommendation to the Board of Directors to approve a resolution for the Executive Director to enter into a contract with Transdev for the SAV Pilot.

9. Preview of Upcoming P&S Committee Agenda Items

10. Matters Initiated by Committee Members

11. Next Meeting Date is Scheduled for: May 27, 2019

12. Adjourn

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA, Executive Assistant /s/ Jennifer Suda 4/19/19

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email : [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call of Members

3. Meeting Open to Public
• Members of the audience may address the Committee on any matter within the general subject matter jurisdiction of the LAVTA Board of Directors.
• Members of the audience may address the Committee on items on the Agenda at the time the Chair calls for the particular Agenda item.
• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.
• Agendas are published 72 hours prior to the meeting.
• No action may be taken on matters raised that are not on the Agenda.

4. Minutes of the February 25, 2019 Meeting of the P&S Committee.

Recommendation: Approval

5. Strategic Planning Services RFP Scope of Work

Recommendation: None – Information only.

6. Wheels Service to the 2019 Alameda County Fair

Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Projects & Services Committee forward a recommendation to the Board of Directors to operate a dedicated, hourly shuttle service between the East Dublin/Pleasanton BART station and the Fairgrounds during the 2019 Alameda County Fair, as outlined above.

7. Dial-A-Ride Passenger Survey of 2018

Recommendation: None – Information only.

8. Year Two Individualized Marketing Program Summary

Recommendation: None – Information only.

9. Summer School Service Accommodation for 2019

Recommendation: Staff is asking the Projects & Services Committee to review and discuss the service options outlined above, and forward a recommendation to the Board of Directors to:

• Operate Wheels routes #501, #502, #503, and #504 during the DUSD 2019 summer school program, and
• Operate the selected option above for an additional three days to accommodate the earlier start of the DPIE STEM program at DHS, and
• Direct students to the regular Rapid Route 10R for the PUSD 2019 summer school program.

10. FY 2019 2nd Quarter Report – Operations

Recommendation: None – Information only.

11. Management Action Plan

Recommendation: None – Information only.

12. Preview of Upcoming P&S Committee Agenda Items

13. Matters Initiated by Committee Members

14. Next Meeting Date is Scheduled for: April 22, 2019

15. Adjourn

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA, Executive Assistant /s/ Jennifer Suda 3/22/19

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email : [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call of Members

3. Meeting Open to Public
• Members of the audience may address the Committee on any matter within the
general subject matter jurisdiction of the LAVTA Board of Directors.
• Members of the audience may address the Committee on items on the Agenda
at the time the Chair calls for the particular Agenda item.
• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.
• Agendas are published 72 hours prior to the meeting.
• No action may be taken on matters raised that are not on the Agenda.

4. Minutes of the January 28, 2019 Meeting of the P&S Committee.

Recommendation: Approval

5. Proposed AT&T Cell-Site at LAVTA Administration and Maintenance

Recommendation: No action required at this time- Staff is requesting guidance on
the deal points for the proposed AT&T mobile cell-site at LAVTA Administration
and Maintenance Facility.

6. Executive Director’s Report

Recommendation: None – information only.

7. Preview of Upcoming P&S Committee Agenda Items

8. Matters Initiated by Committee Members

9. Next Meeting Date is Scheduled for: March 25, 2019

10. Adjourn

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA, Administrative Assistant /s/ Jennifer Suda 2/22/19

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email : [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call of Members

3. Meeting Open to Public
• Members of the audience may address the Committee on any matter within the
general subject matter jurisdiction of the LAVTA Board of Directors.

• Members of the audience may address the Committee on items on the Agenda
at the time the Chair calls for the particular Agenda item.

• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.

• Agendas are published 72 hours prior to the meeting.

• No action may be taken on matters raised that are not on the Agenda.

4. Minutes of the November 26, 2018 Meeting of the P&S Committee.

Recommendation: Approval

5. Executive Director’s Report

Recommendation: None – information only.

6. Preview of Upcoming P&S Committee Agenda Items

7. Matters Initiated by Committee Members

8. Next Meeting Date is Scheduled for: February 25, 2019

9. Adjourn

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA, Administrative Assistant /s/ Jennifer Suda 1/24/19

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email : [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call of Members

3. Meeting Open to Public
• Members of the audience may address the Board of Directors on any matter within the general subject matter jurisdiction of the LAVTA Board of Directors.
• Unless members of the audience submit speaker forms before the start of the meeting requesting to address the board on specific items on the agenda, all comments must be made during this item of business. Speaker cards are available at the entrance to the meeting room and should be submitted to the Board secretary.
• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.
• Items are placed on the Agenda by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Executive Director, or by any three members of the Board of Directors. Agendas are published 72 hours prior to the meeting.
• No action may be taken on matters raised that are not on the Agenda.
• For the sake of brevity, all questions from the public, Board and Staff will be directed through the Chair.

4. Resolution by Assembly Member Rebecca Bauer-Kahan

Recognizing LAVTA’s California Transit Association Agency Award

5. November Tri-Valley Accessible Advisory Committee Minutes

6. Consent Agenda
Recommend approval of all items on Consent Agenda as follows:

A. Minutes of the November 4, 2019 Board of Directors meeting.

B. Treasurer’s Report for October 2019

Recommendation: Staff requests that the Board of Directors approve the October 2019 Treasurer’s Report.

C. Amendment 1 to Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Dublin for the Shared Autonomous Vehicle Testing Project

Recommendation: Staff requests that the Board of Directors authorize the Executive Director to execute Amendment 1 to the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Dublin and LAVTA for the Shared Autonomous Vehicle Testing Project.

7. Contract Award for Individualized Marketing Services

Recommendation: Staff recommends that the LAVTA Board authorize the Executive Director to enter into a contract with Steer Davies & Gleave, Ltd., for the development and implementation of LAVTA’s Individualized Marketing Program, in an amount not to exceed $272,890.75, which represents Steer’s price proposal plus a 10 percent contingency.

8. Radio Communications Equipment Procurement

Recommendation: Staff recommends the Board of Directors approve the contract award for the purchase and delivery of Replacement Radios and associated hardware/software, to Harris Corporation, of Lynchburg, Virginia, in the amount of $228,587.62 plus applicable sales taxes and shipping costs.

9. Declaration of Surplus Property in Compliance with LAVTA Policy for Disposition of Surplus Property

Recommendation: Staff recommends the Board of Directors declare as surplus two (2) road supervisor vehicles and one (1) shop truck, and authorize their disposal through a method consistent with LAVTA’s Policy for Disposition of Surplus Property.

10. Farebox Upgrade

Recommendation: Staff requests that the Board of Directors authorize the Executive Director to execute a Sole Source Agreement between LAVTA and Genfare to replace obsolete fareboxes on six (6) LAVTA-owned buses and purchase one training unit.

11. Executive Director’s Report

12. Matters Initiated by the Board of Directors
• Items may be placed on the agenda at the request of three members of the Board.

13. Next Meeting Date is Scheduled for: January 6, 2020

14. Adjournment

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call of Members

3. Meeting Open to Public
• Members of the audience may address the Board of Directors on any matter within the general subject matter jurisdiction of the LAVTA Board of Directors.
• Unless members of the audience submit speaker forms before the start of the meeting requesting to address the board on specific items on the agenda, all comments must be made during this item of business. Speaker cards are available at the entrance to the meeting room and should be submitted to the Board secretary.
• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.
• Items are placed on the Agenda by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Executive Director, or by any three members of the Board of Directors. Agendas are published 72 hours prior to the meeting.
• No action may be taken on matters raised that are not on the Agenda.
• For the sake of brevity, all questions from the public, Board and Staff will be directed through the Chair.

4. September Tri-Valley Accessible Advisory Committee Minutes

5. Consent Agenda
Recommend approval of all items on Consent Agenda as follows:

A. Minutes of the September 9, 2019 Board of Directors meeting.

B. Treasurer’s Report for August 2019

Recommendation: The Finance and Administration committee recommends approval of the LAVTA Treasurer’s Report for August 2019.

C. Bus Exterior Advertising Contract – Exercise Option Year 1

Recommendation: The Projects & Services Committee approved forwarding a recommendation to the Board of Directors to exercise the first option year of the contract with Lamar Transit Advertising for the sale and installation of exterior bus advertising.

D. Route 503 Proposed Service Adjustment

Recommendation: The Projects & Services Committee approved forwarding a recommendation to the Board of Directors to implement the proposed adjustments to Route 503 beginning January 7, 2020.

6. Executive Director’s Report

7. Adjourn to CLOSED SESSION

8. Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(b):
Title: Executive Director

9. Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6
Agency Representative: Michael Conneran, Legal Counsel
Unrepresented Employee: Executive Director

10. Reconvene to OPEN SESSION

11. Consideration of Amendment to Employment Agreement with Executive Director Michael Tree

Recommendation: Legal Counsel recommends that the Board consider an amendment to the employment agreement with Executive Director Michael Tree

12. Matters Initiated by the Board of Directors
• Items may be placed on the agenda at the request of three members of the Board.

13. Next Meeting Date is Scheduled for: November 4, 2019

14. Adjournment

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA, Executive Assistant /s/ Jennifer Suda 10/3/19

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email : [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call of Members

3. Meeting Open to Public
• Members of the audience may address the Board of Directors on any matter within the
general subject matter jurisdiction of the LAVTA Board of Directors.
• Unless members of the audience submit speaker forms before the start of the meeting
requesting to address the board on specific items on the agenda, all comments must be made
during this item of business. Speaker cards are available at the entrance to the meeting room
and should be submitted to the Board secretary.
• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.
• Items are placed on the Agenda by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Executive
Director, or by any three members of the Board of Directors. Agendas are published 72
hours prior to the meeting.
• No action may be taken on matters raised that are not on the Agenda.
• For the sake of brevity, all questions from the public, Board and Staff will be directed
through the Chair.

4. Consent Agenda
Recommend approval of all items on Consent Agenda as follows:

A. Minutes of the October 7, 2019 Board of Directors meeting.

B. Treasurer’s Report for September 2019

Recommendation: The Finance and Administration Committee recommends that the
Board of Directors approve the September 2019 Treasurer’s Report.

C. Funding Agreement for MTC IDEA Program Funds

Recommendation: Based on the recommendation of the Finance and Administration
Committee, staff recommends that the Board of Directors approve Resolution 27-2019,
authorizing the Executive Director to execute a Master Funding Agreement with the
Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and related Agreement Supplement(s) for Innovative Deployments to Enhance Arterials (IDEA) Program funding to enhance
implementation of the Shared Autonomous Vehicle (SAV) Project in the City of Dublin.

5. Fiscal Year 2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)

Recommendation: The Finance and Administration Committee recommends that the Board of
Directors accept the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), and direct staff to submit
the CAFR to the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for award.

6. Proposed AT&T Cell-Site at LAVTA Administration and Maintenance Facility

Recommendation: Receive staff report and consider deal points for the proposed AT&T
Mobile cell-site at the LAVTA Administration and Maintenance Facility.

7. Set Board of Director Meeting Dates for 2020

Recommendation: Staff recommends the Board of Directors adopt the above meeting calendar
for 2020.

8. Executive Director’s Report

9. Matters Initiated by the Board of Directors
• Items may be placed on the agenda at the request of three members of the Board.

10. Next Meeting Date is Scheduled for: December 2, 2019

11. Adjournment

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA, Executive Assistant /s/ Jennifer Suda 11/1/19

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email : [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call of Members

3. Meeting Open to Public
• Members of the audience may address the Board of Directors on any matter within the general subject matter jurisdiction of the LAVTA Board of Directors.
• Unless members of the audience submit speaker forms before the start of the meeting requesting to address the board on specific items on the agenda, all comments must be made during this item of business. Speaker cards are available at the entrance to the meeting room and should be submitted to the Board secretary.
• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.
• Items are placed on the Agenda by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Executive Director, or by any three members of the Board of Directors. Agendas are published 72 hours prior to the meeting.
• No action may be taken on matters raised that are not on the Agenda.
• For the sake of brevity, all questions from the public, Board and Staff will be directed through the Chair.

4. May Tri-Valley Accessible Advisory Committee Minutes

5. Consent Agenda
Recommend approval of all items on Consent Agenda as follows:

A. Minutes of the May 6, 2019 Board of Directors meeting.

B. Treasurer’s Report for April 2019

Recommendation: The Finance and Administration committee recommends approval of the LAVTA Treasurer’s Report for April 2019.

C. Mobility Forward Study Update and Presentation

Recommendation: The Projects and Services Committee recommends that the Board accept the Mobility Forward Study

D. Tri-Valley Accessible Advisory Committee (TAAC) Bylaws Update

Recommendation: The Projects and Service Committee recommends that the Board adopt the TAAC bylaws as revised.

E. Tri-Valley Accessible Advisory Committee Recruitment for Terms Starting FY 2019/2020

Recommendation: The Projects and Service Committee recommends that the Board ratify the TAAC appointments.

F. Saturday Service Accommodation for ACE

Recommendation: The Projects & Services Committee recommends the Board of Directors approve new Saturday service for Wheels Route 53, as outlined above, to be billed to ACE at the fully allocated cost, with a target implementation date of July 27, 2019.

G. Temporary Additional Service to/from Amador Valley High School

Recommendation: The Projects & Services Committee recommends the Board of Directors approve temporary, additional service and free rides on Wheels routes 605 and 611, as outlined above, to be reimbursed by PUSD at the fully allocated rate, effective on August 12, and anticipated to end on or around October 31, 2019.

H. Contract Award for Tri-Valley Hub Network Integration Study

Recommendation: The Project & Services Committee recommends that the LAVTA Board authorize the Executive Director to enter into a contract with AECOM Technical Services, Inc., for the development of the Tri-Valley Hub Network Integration Study, in an amount not to exceed $384,863.71, which represents AECOM’s price proposal plus a 10 percent contingency.

I. Approval of Resolutions Authorizing Staff to Apply for TDA, STA, and RM2 funds for Fiscal Year 2019-2020.

Recommendation: The Finance and Administration Committee recommends approving the attached resolutions authorizing the filing of a claim with MTC for Allocation of TDA Article 4.0, 4.5, STA, and RM2 Funds for Fiscal Year 2019-2020.

6. MV Transportation, Inc. Employee of the Month- April 2019

Recommendation: None – Informational Only.

7. LAVTA Annual Salary Band Review

Recommendation: The Finance and Administration Committee recommends approval of the attached Resolution 15-2019 adjusting the salary bands for LAVTA positions.

8. LAVTA’s Operating & Capital Budget for FY 2020

Recommendation: The Finance and Administration Committee recommends approval of the Operating and Capital Budget for FY 2020.

9. Organizational Structure

Recommendation: None – Information only.

10. Management Action Plan

Recommendation: None – Information only.

11. Matters Initiated by the Board of Directors
• Items may be placed on the agenda at the request of three members of the Board.

12. Next Meeting Date is Scheduled for: July 1, 2019

13. Adjournment

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA, Executive Assistant /s/ Jennifer Suda 5/29/19

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email : [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call of Members

3. Meeting Open to Public
• Members of the audience may address the Board of Directors on any matter within the general subject matter jurisdiction of the LAVTA Board of Directors.
• Unless members of the audience submit speaker forms before the start of the meeting requesting to address the board on specific items on the agenda, all comments must be made during this item of business. Speaker cards are available at the entrance to the meeting room and should be submitted to the Board secretary.
• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.
• Items are placed on the Agenda by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Executive Director, or by any three members of the Board of Directors. Agendas are published 72 hours prior to the meeting.
• No action may be taken on matters raised that are not on the Agenda.
• For the sake of brevity, all questions from the public, Board and Staff will be directed through the Chair.

4. Presentation of Check from Lamar Transit Advertising

Recommendation: None – information only.

5. June Tri-Valley Accessible Advisory Committee Minutes

6. Consent Agenda

Recommend approval of all items on Consent Agenda as follows:

A. Minutes of the July 1, 2019 Board of Directors meeting.

B. Treasurer’s Report for June 2019 (Preliminary) and July 2019

Recommendation: The Finance and Administration Committee recommends approval of the June 2019 (Preliminary) and July 2019 Treasurer’s Report.

C. Update of the CalPERS Health Contribution Resolution

Recommendation: The Finance and Administration Committee recommends that the Board of Directors approve the updated resolution 26-2019.

7. Update of the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) Procurement Policy

Recommendation: The Finance and Administration Committee recommends that the LAVTA Board of Directors approve the LAVTA Procurement Policy in Resolution 25-2019.

8. Modification to Contract with MTM for Paratransit Operations

Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Board of Directors authorize the Executive Director to execute Modification #5 to the contract with MTM for maintenance, operation, and management of paratransit services, amending the price per trip as agreed.

9. Letter of Support for the Altamont Corridor Vision Phase 1 being included in FASTER Bay Area measure

Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Board of Directors authorize the Board Chair to sign a letter of support for inclusion of the Altamont Corridor Vision Phase 1 in FASTER Bay Area measure.

10. Executive Director’s Report

11. Matters Initiated by the Board of Directors
• Items may be placed on the agenda at the request of three members of the Board.

12. Next Meeting Date is Scheduled for: October 7, 2019

13. Adjournment

I hereby certify that this agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the noted meeting.

LAVTA, Executive Assistant /s/ Jennifer Suda 9/6/19

On request, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority will provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. A written request, including name of the person, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service should be sent at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Requests should be sent to:

Executive Director
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: 925.443.1375
Email : [email protected]

LAVTA on freeway with other traffic

Materials will be posted 72 hours prior to meeting.