Board of Directors Meeting
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call of Members
3. Meeting Open to Public
• Members of the audience may address the Board of Directors on any matter within the general subject matter jurisdiction of the LAVTA Board of Directors.
• Unless members of the audience submit speaker forms before the start of the meeting requesting to address the board on specific items on the agenda, all comments must be made during this item of business. Speaker cards are available at the entrance to the meeting room and should be submitted to the Board secretary.
• Public comments should not exceed three (3) minutes.
• Items are placed on the Agenda by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Executive Director, or by any three members of the Board of Directors. Agendas are published 72 hours prior to the meeting.
• No action may be taken on matters raised that are not on the Agenda.
• For the sake of brevity, all questions from the public, Board and Staff will be directed through the Chair.
4. Resolution by Assembly Member Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
Recognizing LAVTA’s California Transit Association Agency Award
5. November Tri-Valley Accessible Advisory Committee Minutes
6. Consent Agenda
Recommend approval of all items on Consent Agenda as follows:
A. Minutes of the November 4, 2019 Board of Directors meeting.
B. Treasurer’s Report for October 2019
Recommendation: Staff requests that the Board of Directors approve the October 2019 Treasurer’s Report.
Recommendation: Staff requests that the Board of Directors authorize the Executive Director to execute Amendment 1 to the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Dublin and LAVTA for the Shared Autonomous Vehicle Testing Project.
7. Contract Award for Individualized Marketing Services
Recommendation: Staff recommends that the LAVTA Board authorize the Executive Director to enter into a contract with Steer Davies & Gleave, Ltd., for the development and implementation of LAVTA’s Individualized Marketing Program, in an amount not to exceed $272,890.75, which represents Steer’s price proposal plus a 10 percent contingency.
8. Radio Communications Equipment Procurement
Recommendation: Staff recommends the Board of Directors approve the contract award for the purchase and delivery of Replacement Radios and associated hardware/software, to Harris Corporation, of Lynchburg, Virginia, in the amount of $228,587.62 plus applicable sales taxes and shipping costs.
9. Declaration of Surplus Property in Compliance with LAVTA Policy for Disposition of Surplus Property
Recommendation: Staff recommends the Board of Directors declare as surplus two (2) road supervisor vehicles and one (1) shop truck, and authorize their disposal through a method consistent with LAVTA’s Policy for Disposition of Surplus Property.
10. Farebox Upgrade
Recommendation: Staff requests that the Board of Directors authorize the Executive Director to execute a Sole Source Agreement between LAVTA and Genfare to replace obsolete fareboxes on six (6) LAVTA-owned buses and purchase one training unit.
11. Executive Director’s Report
12. Matters Initiated by the Board of Directors
• Items may be placed on the agenda at the request of three members of the Board.
13. Next Meeting Date is Scheduled for: January 6, 2020
14. Adjournment